Have a Hay Day!!!
While I enjoy creating wedding cakes the most, themed parties allow for some very interesting cake designs to evolve. They allow me to really use my creative juices to create a showstopping cake that speaks to the theme and this "Hay Day" inspired cake is no exception. I use to collect anything cow related when I was younger. No, I didn't live on a farm, I actually fell in love with a little cow named norman from the movie City Slickers. I know, silly right? So in hearing the theme was "Hay Day" and doing some research on this fun farm game, I knew I wanted to make the cow the focal point of my design. And his chicken friend was too cute to not include too!
Seeing my clients this happy, fills my heart! Happy Birthday Ollie!
Above Photos by :: Campfire Studios
Here's a look at my process. This cow is made entirely of cake with the exception of a few supports. Modeling chocolate was used for additional accents and to create his little chicken friend.
Let's take a look at cow and his chicken from from a few different angles.
